Origin of swordsmanship “Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto ryu” 04


Genealogy of technique and tradition

“Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto ryu" created by Ienao Iizasa about 600 years ago has many skills. And even today, Masters and their disciples practice the skill and keep the tradition alive. "Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto ryu" dojos are located in Chiba Prefecture, where the school was born, as well as around the world, and many martial artists have learned the techniques of Ienao Iizasa.

Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto Ryu skills for Beginners to Learn.

Omote no TachiGogyo no TachiOmote IaiTachi Iai BattoOmote no Boujutsu
Itsutsu no TachiMittsu no TachiKusanagi no KenIkiai Gyakunuki no TachiSeriai no Bou
Nanatsu no TachiYottsu no TachiNukitsuke no KenZengo Chidori no TachiSunehishigi no Bou
Kasumi no TachiIn no TachiNukiuchi no KenIkiai Migichidori no TachiSayu no Bou
Hakka no TachiSya no TachiUkenGyakunuki no TachiKasahazushi no Bou
Hatsu no TachiSakenNukiuti no TachiHanetsurube no Bou
Happo KenTachinami no Bou

These are Shinto-ryu skills that ordinary people can learn. Once you have mastered all the skills and received permission from your master, you can learn more advanced techniques. Those are “Gokui no Tachi","Nitou ryu","Gokui no Kodachi","Sojutsu","Jujusu","Syurikenjutsu" and Techniques for handling various weapons.

Here is a link to dojos that currently teach “Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto ryu" in Japan and around the world.

The head of “Tenshinshoden Katori Shinto ryu"

Master Otake Sensei’s Dojo

Master Sugino Sensei’s Dojo

This is a valuable video that Master Sugino-sensei introduced the technique about 50 years ago, which is open to the public on YouTube.